We all know how hard it is when someone in the family isn’t getting enough sleep. It affects the whole family. Children and toddlers are more prone to tantrums and irritability, making managing the many moving parts within the family more difficult. Fortunately there are several natural ways to help your children get more restful and restorative sleep, without resorting to medication
5 Natural Sleep Baby Aids
- Calming Lavender Baby Lotion: Lavender has been shown to reduce stress and induce a more calming sleep environment. Earth Mama’s calming lavender lotion contains lavender and vanilla essential oils and organic herbs that help moisturize and relax. Follow a bath with a lavender lotion massage to get your baby relaxed and ready for sleep!
- Gripe Water: Gripe water is something we’ve always used with our baby. It provides a natural relief for gas and tummy troubles, and particularly helped our colicky toddler! Parents often note their baby is drowsy after a dose of gripe water, likely due to the relief from abdominal discomfort. We personally use the Mommy’s Bliss brand because of their dedication to using only organic ingredients.
- Warmies: We hit the jackpot during the transition from co-sleeping to the crib when we discovered Warmies! Warmies are beatable stuffed animals that have safe essential oils infused in them that are released when heated up. These were an affordable game changer for transitioning to independent sleeping!
- Red Light Humidifier: A combination of a humidifier and sound machine, the red light humidifier is a must-have! The red light helps babies to produce melatonin naturally to fall asleep and stay asleep, and the humidifier helps keep room humidity at an optimal level. As a plus, the sound the humidifier makes is pink noise to increase sleep quality.
- SleepDrops: An all-natural formula, SleepDrops, have been a helpful addition to our bedtime routine on chaotic days. Non-habit forming, non-toxic, and all natural, these bedtime drops are great for soothing newborns and toddlers and re-establishing calm.
Getting sleep on a consistent basis can be a struggle and frustrating when one family member struggles falling and staying asleep. However, incorporating these natural sleep aids in your bedtime routine can help establish and maintain healthy sleep habits.